There is a need for the building of the wall for the protection of the church as the house of God today. We need to build up the church as the house of God, the temple of God, and also as the city of God, the kingdom of God; we need to experience Christ […]
The Need for the Building of the Wall for the Protection of the Church as God’s House
Protecting the Interests of God and Entering the New Jerusalem by Faith in Christ

The wall of the New Jerusalem is great and high for separation and protection for protecting the interests of God, and the law (typified by the twelve tribes of Israel) watches and observes that all who enter meets its requirements, while the angels observe and cheer us on. This scene of the New Jerusalem is […]
Israel’s Encamping and the New Jerusalem: God’s Purpose is to be Mingled with man!

If we look at the picture in Numbers 2 with the glasses of God’s economy on, we will realise that the children of Israel encamping in array typifies God’s redeemed people being consummated as the New Jerusalem. The more we consider this picture the more we adore God for His plan, for His sovereignty, and […]
Being Properly Aggressive in the Lord’s Recovery for His Interests on Earth Today

Nehemiah is a pattern to us, and him being properly aggressive for the Lord and His interest, having a heart for the Lord’s recovery of the city of God, the rebuilding of the wall of the city, is something we all need to learn to have. The crucial point in the book of Nehemiah is […]
Christ is the Separating Line (the wall) and also the Gateway of God’s building

In the vision Ezekiel saw of the holy building of God, the first thing he saw was the wall around the house, which typifies Christ as the separating line of God’s building; then, he saw the gate, which signifies Christ as the way for us into God and His interests. There are many details and […]
we need to be constituted with the truth and have the solid truth deposited into our being
If all we receive when we read the Bible is inspiration, this is like a vapor – it doesn’t stay for long. But if we dig into the Word and study the Word and the ministry which opens up the Word, committing the truths to our memory and even understanding them in the divine light, the truth in the Word of God becomes the solid truth in our being. If we don’t understand the truths in the Bible, they can’t get into us. The truth gets into our being through our mentality, our understanding, and it becomes a constant and long-term nourishment for our whole life!