The all-inclusive Christ is the reality of all the positive things in the universe, and this One is the Head of the Body. When we enjoy Christ as the reality of all the positive things we become conscious of the Body of Christ and we desire to meet with the saints and share our enjoyment […]
The Enjoyment of Christ Causes us to Hold Him as the Head and be Body-Conscious
The All-Inclusive Christ is the Reality of All the Positive Things in the Universe

The created things reveal and declare the attributes and glory of the invisible God (Rom. 1:20), and God in Christ is universally vast and untraceably rich. The whole universe with the billions of things and persons in it was created for the purpose of describing Christ (Col. 1:15-17). Christ is all-inclusive, and He is the […]
Enjoying Christ as the Reality of All our Necessities by Exercising our Spirit

All the genuine believers in Christ are Christ-men, Christ-ians, those who have received Christ into them as their life inwardly and who enjoy Christ in their everyday life. The Bible tells us again and again that Christ is everything to us, and specifically that Christ is the reality of all our necessities. We need food […]
Being Attracted by the Wonderful Christ, We’re Daily Enjoying Him in a Subjective Way

From the very first verse to the last verse of the New Testament the first and last name mentioned is Jesus. Jesus Christ is the center and the focus of the whole New Testament, and He is the center and focus of the entire Bible. This One is all-inclusive and all-extensive, and if you read […]