We need to be delivered from Satan’s usurpation in the world and live a life for God’s purpose today. The world is not a source of enjoyment; rather, it is a place of tyranny, and even our making a living and seeking to have enjoyment and pleasure are used by Satan to usurp us as […]
Being Delivered from Satan’s Usurpation in the World and Living for God’s Purpose
Being Separated from the World in all its Aspects and Enjoying God as the Living Waters

In order for us as the church to accomplish God’s economy, we need to be separated from the world in all of its aspects. Amen! This week in our crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations we come to a not-so-positive matter, that is, God’s Judgement upon Egypt and Babylon. In the book of Jeremiah we see […]
We are being Rescued from the Present Evil Age by Christ’s Death on the Cross

As the reality of the trespass offering, Christ gave Himself for our sins that He might rescue us out of the present evil age according to the will of our God and Father (see Gal. 1:4). Christ is the reality of the trespass offering, and we can enjoy and experience Him day by day as […]
God wants to Deliver us from the World (a place of bondage) that we may Serve Him

Genesis records the history of many individual people who were called by God, but Exodus is a book on the corporate history of God’s people. When it speaks of God’s salvation, provision, revelation, and building, Exodus tells us of God’s saving His people, supplying His people with living water and heavenly manna, giving a revelation […]
Being Rescued from the Usurpation in the World by Seeing what Life in the World Is

In the New Testament we are clearly told that the whole world lies in the evil one (1 John 5:19), and that we should not love the world or the things in the world (1 John 2:15-17). But the clear picture of what the world is can be seen in Exodus 5-7, where God sent […]