The more you read the Bible, the more you realize how much the Lord loves us and what a price He paid to redeem us, obtain us, regenerate us, and court us to draw us to Himself. From the very first two chapters of the Bible we see a picture of how God intends to […]
The Church is the Totality of Christ in All His Believers: No Longer I But Christ!
The Church as Christ’s Counterpart Was Produced Through Christ’s Death and Resurrection

It is a great thing to see that God desires to gain a wife, a counterpart and that the entire Bible tells us what God has done, is doing, and will do to obtain her. Genesis 2 especially tells us the story of Adam and Eve as a type of Christ and the church. The […]
Seeing what God has Done to Obtain the Church as His Counterpart to Match Him

God desires to obtain a counterpart, someone who would match Him in every possible way and who loves Him to the uttermost. In order for God to produce such a complement for Himself, He did certain things. First of all, He created the heavens and the earth, the plants, the animals, and man. We see […]
Adam and Eve are a Type of Christ and the Church: “It is Not Good for God to Be Alone”

Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 are a type of Christ and the church (see Eph. 5:23-26). The real “man” in the universe is not Adam but Christ – Christ is the real universal Husband who is seeking a wife for Himself. Throughout the Bible we can see how God in Christ is courting man […]
Seeing how the Entire Bible is a Divine Romance and Giving Ourselves to Love the Lord

“The entire Bible is a divine romance, a record of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them.” – this is what the Bible is all about. Beginning from Genesis 2 where we see that God says, It is not good for man to be alone (and by this He referred to Himself, […]