How can we – fallen sinners – be one with God? We need Christ! How can we who do not have a heart for God and don’t go along with His heart and mind be one with God? It is only by Christ as the Shoot of David who is our redemption and justification, ushering […]
To be One with God we need Christ: He Justifies us and He makes us the Same as He is
In the Triune God, the Father is the Source and the Son is the Expression (part 1)

John’s mending ministry is in life and by life. Life is a Person, the Triune God Himself in the Father as the source, the Son as the expression, and the Spirit as the realization. In his mending ministry – both in his Gospel, Epistles, and Revelation – John speaks extensively of the Divine Trinity, the […]
Paul’s gospel includes the entire book of Romans, from God’s condemnation to the local churches
The gospel of God – which is the gospel of Paul as seen in the book of Romans – concerns not an outward physical Christ living among men but Christ as the Spirit living within the believers after His resurrection. This is a higher and more subjective gospel than what is presented in the Gospels. Christ is now the life-giving Spirit living in our spirit, making our spirit life! When we set our mind on the spirit, our soul becomes life (Rom. 8:6). Eventually, even our physical body will be filled and saturated with the divine life (Rom. 8:16). This is the gospel! [continue reading this portion online]