Whenever we believers in Christ read the Bible, it needs to be living, energizing, and sharp to divide our spirit from our soul and discern our thoughts and intentions; we need to be saved from staggering in the wandering of our soul and press on into our spirit to enjoy the heavenly Christ to whom […]
Press on into our spirit: the Living and Operative Word Divides our Soul from Spirit
Being the Lord’s Overcomers in this Age by Finding Grace in the Sight of God Daily

May we be the Lord’s overcomers in this age by finding grace in the sight of God daily and even moment by moment. No matter how low man fell, there were always some who found grace in the eyes of the Lord to be His overcomers; though the flesh as the presence of Satan […]
We need to Find Grace in the Eyes of the Lord and Depend on His Grace in Everything

Like Noah did in his age, we need to find grace in the eyes of the Lord; we need the grace of God for us to live our Christian life and to face the situations and things coming our way, for only God coming to us to be our strength and everything can face […]
Enjoy the Spirit of Grace Continually by Coming to the Throne of Grace in our Spirit

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is with our spirit, for it is in our spirit that we can receive and enjoy the bountiful supply of the Triune God as grace; on His side, God supplies the Spirit of grace bountifully, and on our side, we should receive the Spirit of grace continually. […]
Divine Government in the Church Life comes from the Throne of God by the Flow of Life and Grace

In the church life, there is a divine government, and this government comes from the throne of God and of the Lamb, flowing out to supply us with grace; the throne of God is the throne of grace to us in our experience today. According to the divine revelation in the New Testament, the authority […]
At the Throne of Grace we Behold God and we’re Transformed into the Image of Christ

When we come to the throne of grace through the blood of Christ, we meet with God, commune with Him, we are infused with Him, we correspond to His heavenly ministry, and we are transformed in His image to be His shining testimony, a miniature of the New Jerusalem today. In the Old Testament God […]
We can Receive and Flow out Grace by Turning to the Spirit and Enthroning the Lord

Our God is the God of all grace, Christ came in the flesh full of grace and reality, and the Spirit is the Spirit of grace; the entire Triune God is of grace, and today this grace is with our spirit (Gal. 6:18). What is grace? Grace is not merely unmerited favor that God gives […]