How wonderful it is to see the many aspects of the church as the testimony of Jesus in the book of Revelation! As the concluding book of the Bible, Revelation presents to us the consummation of all the divine truths, including the matter of the church. In the first three chapters of Revelation we see […]
The Testimony of Jesus is the Victorious Ones Standing on the Glassy Sea in Rev. 15
The Church as the Testimony of Jesus is the Firstfruits and the Harvest in Rev. 14

In the book of Revelation we see the consummation of all that God has been doing throughout the ages, and in it we see a revelation of Jesus Christ (the Word of God) and the church (the testimony of Jesus). The church as the testimony of Jesus is first revealed as being the seven golden […]
The Testimony of Jesus is the Great Multitude and the Bright Woman with her Man-child

In the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, we see a revelation of Christ (the word of God) and the church (the testimony of Jesus). Regarding the church as the testimony of Jesus, in Revelation we see eight main aspects: the seven golden lampstands, the great multitude before the throne, the great […]
The Goal of the Mending Ministry is the Testimony of Jesus, the Golden Lampstands

The mending ministry of John, a mending ministry of life, is not a superficial fix here and there in our Christian life and work. Rather, it is a mending ministry that fixes us, completes us, adds to us, perfects us, attunes us, and makes us built-up members in the Body of Christ. The goal of […]
Being in Spirit to See the Vision of the Glorious Christ (even During Tribulation)

The apostle John was exiled on the island of Patmos for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus (Rev. 1:2), and there he saw a vision of the glorious Christ. The Christ he saw was different from the Christ he knew while on earth. The Christ John saw was a glorious One, the […]
The New Jerusalem is the Ultimate Consummation of the Lampstands in the Scriptures
![The New Jerusalem is the Ultimate Consummation of the Lampstands in the Scriptures [in the picture: a golden lampstand, as in the Judaic tradition]](
The New Jerusalem is the consummation of all that God planned, accomplished, and is doing from eternity past, on the bridge of time, and unto eternity future. All the positive things in the Bible as a type of Christ consummate in the New Jerusalem. Today I was impressed with the fact that the New Jerusalem […]
seeing what it means to be a genuine church in the focus of the Lord’s recovery
To be in the Lord’s recovery means that we are Christians NOT just for our own need and not just for ourselves (we don’t focus only on, What can God do for me?) – we are Christians for God’s need, God’s pleasure, God’s heart’s desire, and even God’s goal! Yes, we have our needs, we see what we are, but what about God’s need? What about God’s purpose, His goal, and His economy? We are here learning to lift our view from our petty needs and problems, and look to the Lord to be one with Him for His economy, His need. [read more online]