The law is a picture of God, a portrait of God, the testimony of God; Christ is the reality of the law as the testimony of God, and for us to keep the law in reality is to live a God-man life, a life which is God’s testimony. In our deeper study of the vital […]
Christ is the Living Portrait of God; we Keep the Law by Living God to Express Him
The Embodied Triune God has been Expanded to become Entrable: we can Enter into God!

In Numbers 1 we see a picture of the incarnation of the Triune God in the tabernacle with the Ark; the embodied Triune God has been enlarged to become entrable, and we as His people can enter into God, be mingled with God, and enjoy God. Apparently, the book of Numbers is a record of […]
Being Encamped in Array in God’s Sovereignty with Christ and the Church as our Center

In Numbers two we see how the children of Israel were encamped in array as an army, each tribe by its own standard, all facing the center. After the numbering in ch. 1, the children of Israel were put in an array around the tabernacle – this is God’s first step of formation of the […]
Witnesses of Christ bear a Living Testimony of the Christ they Experience and Enjoy

This week we come to a wonderful topic, being Witnesses of the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-inclusive Christ, and we want to see that we as believers in Christ are witnesses of Christ. Whatever we do and speak of, even concerning the wonderful and all-inclusive Christ we need to bear in mind that we are witnesses […]
Standing on the Unique Ground of God’s Choice to be the Testimony of God in Oneness

This week we want to enjoy a sweet, soothing, flavorful, and aromatic word in God’s word on Jehovah’s commanded blessing of life on brothers who dwell together in oneness, and today in particular we want to see the unique ground of God’s choice – the ground of oneness. Psalms 133-134 are so sweet and wonderful, […]
The Desire of God’s Heart is Fulfilled when His Glory Fills the Tabernacle, the Church

This is our last week in the Crystallization-Study of Exodus, and the topic we are enjoying is, The Erecting of the Tabernacle and the Tabernacle, the Cloud, and the Glory being a Full Type of the Triune God (based on Exo. 40, the last chapter of Exodus, where we see the desire of God’s heart […]
Loving God and Regarding the Law as His Living Word through which we Contact Him

How wonderful it is to see the law of God as the testimony of God revealing Him to His people and the living word of God to infuse His substance in His loving seekers! The law is the testimony of God, the expression of God, the “picture” of who God is to be the revelation […]