We believers in Christ have been saved and called by God with a holy calling according to God’s purpose; God’s purpose is the meaning of our life and the meaning of the universe, and His purpose needs to become our purpose, for we’re here not living a meaningless life but a life for God’s purpose. […]
God Called and Separated us for His Purpose for us to Live a Life for God’s Purpose
Being Priestly Teachers Filled with God and Skilled in the Word to Teach the Truth

In the church life in the Lord’s recovery today we need Ezras, priestly teachers who contact God and are filled with God and are skilled in the word of God; their teaching is an opening of the veil for others to see the heavenly truths of God’s economy and apply them to their daily […]
Being a Divine Nation expressing the Divine Character and Bringing others into God’s Light

As a result of being reconstituted by the word of God, we become a divine nation expressing the divine character, a holy priesthood to express God; we need to be such ones and we need to teach others in the way of bringing them out of the satanic darkness into the divine light. Amen, […]
Our need to be Reconstituted with the Word of God to be God’s Testimony on the Earth

Ezra was used by God to reconstitute the people of Israel by educating them with the heavenly truths so that Israel could become God’s testimony; we need to be a divinely constituted people to be God’s testimony by being reconstituted with the word of God. Amen! Ezra was not a prophet who spoke the […]
The Local Church must be a Testimony of the Reality of the Body of Christ in Oneness

The tabernacle typifies God’s church on earth, the church of God in the localities, whereas the temple signifies the church as the reality of the Body of Christ; we love the local churches as the precious procedure for us to be brought into the reality of the Body of Christ as the glorious goal […]
Fighting for God’s Interest and Bearing the Testimony of God in the Church Life

As the people of God today, we have Christ as our Leader in our Christian life, we are formed into His army to fight for His interests, we journey with God, we are bearing the testimony of God, and we are prepared by God to possess the all-inclusive Christ. Our history as believers in Christ […]
A Revelation of God’s People being built up with the Triune God to be His Dwelling Place

We need to see a revelation of God’s people being built up with the Triune God to be His dwelling place on earth, as revealed in the pictures and types in the tabernacle. First, as God’s people we need to see a revelation of God Himself so that we may see who He is, what […]