It is God’s mercy for us to see HOW does Christ build up the church as the temple of God, and to realize that He doesn’t need our “help” to build the church but He only needs that we LET Him build Himself into us to mingle Himself with us for the building up of […]
The Body of Christ is the Enlargement of Christ, the Mingling of God with man
Letting Christ Build Himself into us and Build us into God by Abiding in the Lord

The Lord Jesus is the first One who mentioned the word “church” and He said, I will build My church (Matt. 16:18). The question is, how does Jesus build His church? Since He was the son of a carpenter, does this mean that He right now uses a hammer with nails and all kinds of […]
God’s Economy is to have the Temple of God Filled with the Glory of God for Eternity

From the beginning to the end of the Bible the divine revelation is progressive, and in the last book of the Bible, we see the consummation of the divine revelation and of God’s economy, the New Jerusalem. What does God want to obtain, how does He obtain it, what does He do to obtain it, […]
In His Resurrection Christ Enlarged God’s Temple to be the mystical Body of Christ

God’s desire throughout the Bible is to gain a building, a mutual dwelling place of God and man; for this, He created Adam, He called Abraham, He chose Moses, He brought His people into the good land, and He did everything for His people. Throughout the Bible we can see that God’s intention is to […]
How the History of the Ark and the Tabernacle Prefigures the History of the Church

What God desires to obtain today is not only the local churches but the reality of the Body of Christ being lived out and expressed in the local churches all over the earth. What God desires is not merely the “tabernacle church life”, that is, the many local churches with many saints who enjoy the […]
Our Work, Behavior, and Person must Match the Church as the House of God

This week we shift our focus from the crystallization study of Exodus to The Church as the Temple of God – The Goal of God’s Eternal Economy, and more specifically we want to see our need to go on with the Lord from the “tabernacle church life” to the “temple church life”. We need the […]
A High View of the Church as the Father’s House, the Divine-Human Incorporation

The church is the house of God, the household of God, and as such the church is the Father’s house. The Lord Jesus was zealous for the Father’s house (see John 2:16-21) and He spoke at length in John 14 concerning the many abodes in the Father’s house. Contrary to the traditional and religious understanding […]