The ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated and transformed people is the New Jerusalem, and we’re incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the universal incorporation, by eating Christ as the hidden manna. Wow, Hallelujah! God’s desire, His ultimate purpose, is high and lofty, but the way to attain it […]
Being Incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the Ultimate Incorporation of God and Man
Church is the Temple of God expressed in Many Localities Consummating the New Jerusalem
![Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and [that] the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Cor. 3:16](
The church is the building of God, and all the building is growing into a temple in the Lord; the church is the temple of God, and each local church is the expression of the temple of God in that locality. Hallelujah! On one hand, each of us individually is the temple of God […]
Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ in the Church and Dwelling in the House of God

God’s thoughts and ways to build up the church as the temple of the living God are higher than ours; we need to forsake our ways and thoughts and return to Jehovah our God to take the way of enjoying Christ in the church and for the church. Amen! We may think we know […]
In the Recovery of the Church we Build the Church as the House of God and the Kingdom of God

In the recovery of the church we are building up the church as the house of God and the kingdom of God for God to gain an expression and representation on earth even as He intended from the beginning (Gen. 1:26). The books of Ezekiel and Nehemiah are considered the books of recovery, telling us […]
Seeing, Praying for, and Becoming the Temple of God in the Divine and Mystical Realm

As believers in Christ, we are learning to live our human life by the divine life in our spirit; as we do the things we need to do in our daily living, we practice to daily live in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit so that Christ may be expressed through us. […]
As God-men, we Believers in Christ should Live as Divine and Mystical Persons

The only way to enter the human kingdom, the realm of the human life, is through birth from human parents; the only way to see and enter into the kingdom of God is through regeneration, by being born of God. The kingdom of God is another realm: it is different from the human realm, and […]
We need to Enter into and Become Part of the Divine and Mystical Realm Today

The Lord’s desire is to gain the temple of God, the built up church that is the reality of the Body of Christ in all the local churches. For this to happen, however, we all need to enter into another realm, the divine and mystical realm. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He was […]