We need to be those who are holding to the faithful word, which is according to the teaching of the apostles; as we hold to the faithful word of the apostles’ teaching, we reject any different teachings and speak only God’s economy for the building up of the church. What is the apostles’ teaching and […]
Hold to the Faithful Word according to the Apostles’ Teaching and Speak the Healthy Teaching
Speaking the Healthy Teaching of God’s New Testament Economy to Supply and Inoculate others

We need to be those who are holding to the faithful word, which is according to the teaching of the apostles; we need to speak the healthy teaching of God’s economy for the building up of the church and stay away from different teachings. What is the teaching of the apostles? It is the entire […]
The Teaching of the Apostles is the Unique and Healthy Teaching of God’s Eternal Economy

Thank the Lord for the teaching of the apostles, which is the unique and healthy teaching of God’s eternal economy, the entire speaking of God in the Son to His New Testament people! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, The Intrinsic Factor of the Winds of Teaching for their […]
Remaining in the Fellowship of the Apostles to be in the Fellowship of the Body

The fellowship of the Body of Christ – which is the fellowship among the churches – is the fellowship of the apostles, which issues from the teaching of the apostles. We need to see what is the intrinsic fellowship of the churches (as the local expressions of the unique organic Body of Christ) for their […]
God’s Government in the Church is a Theocracy by the Bible and by the Holy Spirit

God desires to execute His government in the universe through the church; the divine government among God’s people is not democracy or autocracy but theocracy, God Himself ruling and reigning through some agents. This is how God ordained things, and even if we don’t agree with the way God runs things, we cannot but say […]
We practice the Genuine Oneness by Teaching the Same Thing in all the Churches

The apostles taught the same thing to all the saints in all the places and in all the churches to practice the genuine oneness; the genuine oneness is all-inclusive and comprehensive, including all positive things. God hates division, for division – no matter how “solid” the reasons for division are – cuts and destroys the […]
Being Fully for God’s House and Coordinated with the Saints to Build up the Church

The desire of God’s heart is to have a dwelling place on earth with man, and we as believers in Christ are God’s people who are doing the work of building up God’s house – we are co-workers and co-builders with Christ, building the church as the dwelling place of God! The work of the […]