God’s move on the earth today is in the church and through the church, and the church has Christ as its center. Psa. 68 is a typological exposition of Num. 10:35-36, and it reveals Christ as the center of God’s move on the earth; today God is moving in man, and His move is to […]
God’s Move on the Earth today is in and through the Church with Christ as the Center
The Embodied Triune God has been Expanded to become Entrable: we can Enter into God!

In Numbers 1 we see a picture of the incarnation of the Triune God in the tabernacle with the Ark; the embodied Triune God has been enlarged to become entrable, and we as His people can enter into God, be mingled with God, and enjoy God. Apparently, the book of Numbers is a record of […]
The Thornbush is Gradually Sanctified and Transformed to Become God’s Dwelling Place

Throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation we see that God’s goal ultimately is to obtain a dwelling place; what He is focused on today is building up His habitation. From Jacob’s dream in Genesis to Revelation 22 what God desires is to gain a dwelling place in man, a mutual habitation with man, where […]
the secret revelation concerning the enjoyment of Christ as the incarnated Triune God
The tabernacle is not just a picture of the church life, but it is the Triune God for us to enter into, to partake of, and to enjoy! The entire Triune God was incarnated to become the enterable and enjoyable God for man to enter into God and enjoy God. And God’s incarnation is NOT a One Instant Event – it continues throughout the entire New Testament age, until it reaches the New Jerusalem, the eternal universal tabernacle! Every time man is regenerated God is incarnated! Every time we enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we become the incarnated God – God dwells in man and is expressed in man! [continue reading this sharing from message 2 of the winter training on the Crystallization-Study of Psalms(2)]
Christ as the Center of God’s Move on the Earth: Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered!
God’s move today is in man – He moves in Christ to come into man and move in man. God’s move in man is to deify man – to make man the same as He is in life and in nature, but not in the Godhead!