The reality of the Feast of Tabernacles is a time of enjoyment in remembrance of how we experienced God and how God lived in us, and this feast consummates in the New Jerusalem, the tabernacle of God with man, where we enjoy God for eternity! Hallelujah! Our Christian life is a life of feasting on […]
Live in the Reality of the Feast of Tabernacles until we enter the Rest of New Jerusalem
Christ Speaks for God in Incarnation as the Tabernacle of God, Full of Grace and Reality

Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His incarnation as the tabernacle of God, coming to us full of grace and reality to make God real to us and for us to enjoy His riches for our enjoyment. Amen, Christ as the Word of God expresses God, manifests God, and explains God, […]
The Church is the Tabernacle of God and Christ is the Center and Content of the Church

Just as the Ark was the center and content of the tabernacle, so Christ is the center and content of the church; for us to enter into the reality of the Body of Christ, we must see the intrinsic significance of the Ark. This week in our HWMR on the Crystallization-study of 1 & […]
How Amazing it is that the Triune God is Embodied and Expressed Through the Church!

It is quite amazing to see how the tabernacle filled with the glory of Jehovah and covered by the cloud in Exo. 40 is a full type of the Triune God. At the end of Exodus everything is coming to a consummation, a conclusion: God finished giving Moses the instructions for the building of the […]
Our Work, Behavior, and Person must Match the Church as the House of God

This week we shift our focus from the crystallization study of Exodus to The Church as the Temple of God – The Goal of God’s Eternal Economy, and more specifically we want to see our need to go on with the Lord from the “tabernacle church life” to the “temple church life”. We need the […]