As believers in Christ, we need to be a faithful and prudent slave in His house, dispensing Christ as food to the believers as members of God’s household to make ourselves ready for the Lord’s coming. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the matter of, Making Ourselves Ready for the […]
Being a Faithful and Prudent Slave by Dispensing Christ as Food to His Believers
The Economy of God becomes our Stewardship of the Grace to Dispense the Riches of Christ

As believers in Christ enjoying the grace of God in the economy of God, we have been entrusted with the stewardship of the grace of God to us for the saints; the grace of God we enjoy is for us to minister to the others also. Hallelujah! On one hand, we enjoy the grace […]
Fellowship in and among the Churches regarding Supporting those Serving the Lord Full-time

If we mean business with the Lord concerning the spreading of the truths He has shown us in the Lord’s recovery, we need to bear the burden to give and support those serving the Lord full-time. Nowadays in the church life, we don’t talk about money or giving, neither do we have something like […]
Being Rich in the Enjoyment of Christ and taking care of Others’ Birthright of Christ

We thank and praise the Lord for coming as our kinsman to redeem us and recover us to the enjoyment of Christ, our birthright; we also need to cooperate with the Lord to recover others’ birthright of Christ, to bring them back to the enjoyment of Christ. Amen! This week in our morning revival we […]
How we can Participate in the Stewardship of God being Conscious of the One New Man

Both those who bear responsibility in the churches and all the saints need to participate in the stewardship of God, for we all need to be faithful stewards in God’s economy being conscious of the one new man. On God’s side, He has an economy, which is to dispense Himself into man; on our side, […]
Sharing in God’s Economy by our Stewardship of Grace: Dispensing the Riches of Christ

The stewardship of God which was entrusted to us is the stewardship of grace, which involves our enjoyment of the riches of Christ and our dispensing the riches of Christ into others according to God’s economy. When God’s economy reaches us, it becomes our stewardship, for it is impossible for us to really enjoy the […]
Being the Stewards who are Able to Complete the Word of God and Dispense God into Man

Paul’s stewardship was to complete the word of God in order to dispense Christ with all His riches into the churches; today there’s still the need for stewards who are able to complete the word of God. On one hand Paul the Apostle completed the word of God, and he in particular had a portion […]