Rejecting any Mixture of the Law and Old Testament Practices with God’s New Testament Economy

We must receive the Lord’s mercy to learn the lessons in the book of Acts in the spreading of the church, and in particular we need to practice the Body life and take the word of the Spirit through the members of the Body, and reject any mixture of the old testament practices with God’s […]

Being Saved from Satan’s Schemes to Frustrate the Spreading and Building of the Church

We need to receive the Lord’s mercy to be saved from Satan’s schemes to frustrate the spreading of the church and the building up of the church, and we need to learn the lessons in the book of Acts to cooperate with the Lord for His spreading on earth. On one hand when we read […]

The Lord’s Way and Means of Spreading the Church Shatters our Natural Concepts

The book of Acts shows us the spreading of the church for the enlargement of Christ on earth, and at the same time it shatters our natural concepts, it shows God’s sovereignty, and the blending of all races and kinds of people in the church, the Lord’s testimony. The basic principle of the church is […]