As believers in Christ, we need to see a clear vision and enter into the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ in our daily living; we need to live in the mingled spirit and do all things according to the Spirit. Amen! This week we come to a new […]
See and Enter in the Divine and Mystical Realm of the Consummated Spirit
Knowing this Age and Knowing the Spirit of God in the Move of God’s Eternal Economy

Our God is a moving God, and if we are going to cooperate with the Lord to carry out His move in His economy, we must know this age and know the Spirit of God. In a particular way, we must know the age of today’s Christianity in relation to the revelation of the Bible, […]
5 Critical Points concerning the Spirit of God in the Move of God’s eternal Economy

This week in our enjoyment of the Lord in His word we come to a very wonderful topic: service for the building up of the church. All those who have been regenerated by God are serving ones: they are being served by Christ daily and they serve Christ in their daily living. The first thing […]
The Spirit is the Spirit of Reality, the Spirit of Jesus, and the Spirit of Christ

It is so wonderful to see the unbelievably grand subject and reality of the Spirit in the Bible. This Spirit is the Spirit of God, who today is the compound Spirit. It took many years of study by many teachers of the Bible to get to the revelation concerning the Spirit that we have today, […]
Three Crucial Points Concerning the Consummated Spirit and How to Enjoy His Supply

Nothing in the Bible is there by accident, and no term that God uses – especially when the Triune God is mentioned – is at random or accidental. The Bible is precise in using terms such as the Spirit of God brooding over the waters in Gen. 1:2, the Spirit of holiness in the Old […]
the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit of Jesus Christ was NOT YET before Christ’s resurrection
These days we’re going through The Central Line of The Bible, and as we previously saw, these main items revealed in the Bible are, the Word of God, the Triune God, the All-Inclusive Christ, the Life-Giving Spirit, the Body of Christ, and the New Jerusalem. These are not just “terms we find the Bible” or something […]