The Spirit of man is the lamp of Jehovah, searching all the innermost parts of our inner being (Prov. 20:27); our spirit is God’s lamp within us, and God’s Spirit is in our spirit shining into all the parts of our inner being to enlighten and expose and enliven us. Amen! This is a great […]
The spirit of man is the lamp of Jehovah shining in us and enlightening our inward parts
Being Open Vessels to the Lord’s Shining within from our Spirit, the Lamp of Jehovah

Our experience and enjoyment of Christ is for the church, and as we know Christ, pursue Him, enjoy Him, and experience Him we become His corporate expression in the church life. Too many times, however, we don’t enjoy the Lord, we don’t open to Him, and we don’t experience Him, and therefore the church life […]
Seeing the Importance of the Human Spirit in Contacting and Worshiping God

In understanding and knowing the word of God and even the burden of the word of God we need to exercise and use not only our mind but even more, our human spirit. In Zech. 12:1 we see that God created three equally important things: the heavens, the earth, and the spirit of man. This […]
man has a spirit to receive God and be mingled with God (winter school of truth)
Zechariah 12:1 says, “Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundation of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him”. This verse shows that in God’s creation He made three crucial, equally important items: the heavens, the earth, and the spirit of man. For many centuries, much attention have been paid to the heavens and the earth but not the spirit of man. Why did God form the spirit of man and what is the purpose of this spirit? In the Winter School of Truth 2011, we were blessed with much speaking about the spirit of man and the Spirit of God. [continue reading this portion from the Winter School of Truth online]