The Lord Jesus, who was, is, and always will be the only begotten Son of God in His divinity, became the Son of God in a new way in resurrection, for He was designated the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness. And today we are in the process of […]
We’re Designated Sons of God according to the Spirit of Holiness as we Walk in Spirit
Today We may Experience and Enjoy Christ as the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit

In and for the Lord’s spreading on earth we may experience and enjoy the resurrected and ascended Christ as the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit. We need to be clear that the propagation of the resurrected, ascended, and all-inclusive Christ as the development of the kingdom of God is NOT any movement of man, […]
Seeing the Progressive Revelation concerning the Spirit in the Word of God

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Heb. 13:8), and He never changes; He is perfect in Himself, self-existing, and ever-existing without needing to have any improvement, change, or perfecting. However, in His relationship with man, we see that God went through certain processes. In the beginning of the Bible we see the Spirit […]
Lord, restore to me the gladness of Your salvation, and sustain me with a willing spirit!
there is a connection here between the gladness of salvation and the willingness of spirit – when we are happy in the Lord and with the Lord, we also have a willing spirit! A willing spirit depends upon the joy of salvation – when we have the joy restored to us, we are happy and willing to go along with the Lord and do what He desires. We obey the Lord because we love Him and we are filled with the joy of our salvation!