The best way to care for others is by having a deep concern for them, being concerned for their well-being and going on; furthermore, when we in the church life pass through the valley of weeping, God makes this valley a spring, which is the Spirit. In ourselves we may not really be that emotional […]
As we have a Deep Concern for others, God makes our Tears into a Spring: the Spirit!
Exercising our Spirit to Enjoy Every Spiritual Blessing in the Heavenlies in Christ

Hallelujah, God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:3)! We believers in Christ are a blessed people unde the blessing of God! May we choose life and reject death, and may we choose the blessing and be in a condition to receive God’s blessing so that we […]
God is a God of Blessing, and He Himself as the Spirit is the Unique Blessing of God

Our God is the God of blessing, and He is the blessing God. Hidden in Ezekiel 34 there’s something beautiful, a gem: our God is a God of blessing, and He is a blessing God! In Christianity and in the world this matter of blessing is very much misunderstood and misused, and some even use […]
What we Experience when we Live in the Divine and Mystical Realm of the Spirit

It is very important what realm we live in. These days we are all praying and looking to the Lord to save so many of these refugees from the Arab world in Europe, and there are many reports on how the Lord is moving, gaining, saving, baptizing, and bringing them into the church life so […]