In our study of the golden lampstand we need to pay special attention to the seven lamps (see Zech. 4:2; Rev. 4:5). These seven lamps are the seven Spirits of God (the sevenfold intensified Spirit) as the eyes of Jehovah (see Zech. 4:10), the seven eyes of the Lamb (Rev. 5:6), and the seven eyes […]
Being Open to the Shining of the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit with Our Spirit
Enjoying Christ as the Topstone of Grace for the Completion of God’s Building

The Bible clearly shows us that Christ is everything for God’s building. First of all, Christ is the One who builds His church, His Body, as the building of God (Matt. 16:18). Christ is the foundation stone, the only foundation laid by God for His building – He upholds and supports the entire building of […]
Christ as the Stone with Seven Eyes Infuses us with Himself for God’s Building

The Bible is so amazing, and as you study it in a prayerful way, with an exercised spirit and a clear mind, having a vision of God’s economy, you will realize that all things in the Bible are connected and make sense! From Genesis to Revelation, God’s speaking is one, is full of meaning, and […]
the seven Spirits of God in Revelation are for God’s building, for the producing of the New Jerusalem
The last aspect of THE SPIRIT is the seven Spirits – as we see in Rev. 1:4, 4:5, and 5:6, in the book of Revelation the Spirit is “the seven Spirits of God”. This does not mean that there are seven separate Spirits today, but that the one Spirit of God has been intensified sevenfold […]