The revelation of God’s highest grace toward man is His new covenant with man; in the new covenant God promises to put His law within us, write His law into our mind that we may know God, He will be our God and we will be His people, we will not need anyone to teach […]
In the New Covenant God is our God and we are His People, and we Know God Inwardly
Living in the Kingdom of God as the Realm of the Divine Life by the Sense of Life
When the kingdom of God is able to assert its authority over a company of believers, those believers can be built up into the church (see Col. 1:13; 2:19; Eph. 4:15-16). How wonderful it is to be in the kingdom of God! However, many believers and unbelievers alike have been lied to by the enemy concerning […]
Being Preserved in the Fellowship of Life by the Sense of Life in our Mingled Spirit
It is so wonderful that we can experience a foretaste of the New Jerusalem today in our Christian life and church life! We can enjoy and experience the daily practical living in oneness with the Lord according to the sense of life so that we may be in the fellowship of life, thus experiencing a […]
dealing with our rebellion and our natural capability through the cross
Becoming a Christian is not an end in itself, rather, it is a beginning of a new life which is not according to our concept or our human disposition. This new life is all about taking care of the living Christ within us by turning to Him, fellowshipping with Him, and doing everything in oneness […]
having a consciousness of the Body by remaining in the organic union with the Lord
Where does the consciousness for the Body of Christ come from? Yesterday we saw that we need to exercise and cultivate the inward sense of the divine life that we may have the sense of the Body – and we do this by spending time with the Lord! Our inner sense is being developed as […]
we need to exercise and cultivate the inward sense of the divine life to have the sense of the Body!
What is the sense of the Body? What does it mean to have the consciousness of the Body of Christ? What does “having an awareness of the Body” imply? This morning I was encouraged to find out that it all starts with taking care of the sense of the divine life within us. Just as […]
our life relationship with God can never be broken, but our fellowship with Him can be interrupted…
Once you’re born of someone, you cannot be unborn; once you’re born of God with the divine life and nature, whatever you do, you cannot be un-born! Our life-relationship with God cannot be broken – we are and will always be His children in life and nature, partaking of all that He is! Our life […]