As those regenerated by the Lord with His divine life, we believers in Christ have a sense of life, the feeling of the divine life in us, which is both the feeling of death and the feeling of life; may we be saved from being past feeling and live according to the consciousness of the […]
Not being Past Feeling but Living by the Sense of Life and Death in our Spirit
Allow the Cross to Deal with Rebellion and Natural Capability for God’s Life to Grow

If we want the life of Christ to be unhindered in us, we need to experience the breaking of the cross and let any obstacle be dealt with and removed; may the Lord shine on our rebellion (our unwillingness to cooperate with His inner leading) and on our natural capability and ability, which hinder God’s […]
We need to Live by the Sense of Life and be Victorious over Satan’s Attack of Death

We need to live by the sense of life – the consciousness and feeling of the divine life within us – and be victorious over the attack of death upon the church, building up the Body of Christ in the resurrection life of Christ and rejecting any death. Amen! Today we all have a choice: […]
Being Preserved in the Fellowship of Life by the Sense of Life in our Mingled Spirit

It is so wonderful that we can experience a foretaste of the New Jerusalem today in our Christian life and church life! We can enjoy and experience the daily practical living in oneness with the Lord according to the sense of life so that we may be in the fellowship of life, thus experiencing a […]
dealing with our mind, emotion, and will so that Christ may live in us

For the Lord’s life to flow into us and out of us freely we need to deal with any obstacles and any problems in its way. Eventually, we will realize that the problem is not this or that thing, this or that matter, or even this or that part of our being. Our person with […]
we need to exercise and cultivate the inward sense of the divine life to have the sense of the Body!
What is the sense of the Body? What does it mean to have the consciousness of the Body of Christ? What does “having an awareness of the Body” imply? This morning I was encouraged to find out that it all starts with taking care of the sense of the divine life within us. Just as […]
becoming genuine parts of the New Jerusalem by walking according to the golden divine nature in us

Before we were saved, we were “our own ruler”, and we did our best to live our life as we saw it fit or as we wanted to. But when we met the Lord Jesus, He as the King came into us with the divine kingdom! When we were under our own rule, we were […]