Because the church has not attained to God’s purpose, God will choose a group of overcomers who will attain to His purpose and fulfill His demand; this is the principle of the man-child, and this man-child includes not only Christ as the unique overcomer but all the overcomers together with Him. Hallelujah, we can […]
Trust in God to be the Man-child, the Stronger Part of God’s People, the Overcomers
God’s move among and with man was to prepare His direct move in man: God’s move is in man

In the Old Testament God moved with men and among men to prepare His direct move in man in His new creation for His economy; today God is moving in man in a direct way to fulfil His economy. This week in our morning revival we come to a further and most wonderful crystal in […]
Christ is the Leading Overcomer and the Overcoming Man-child is the Body of Christ

The man-child spoken of in Rev. 12 is not only Christ as the First Overcomer but Christ with His overcomers, for He is the Head, the life, center, and nature of the man-child, and the overcoming believers are part of the overcoming man-child. What the Lord is after today is the overcomers, for the church […]
The Promise of the Seed of the Woman destroying Satan’s Head: Christ and His Overcomers

Our God is a covenanting God, and we are His covenanted people. Throughout the Bible we see God making covenants with His people; His covenants reveal His desire toward man. The Bible is a book of the revelation of God’s desire toward man. God expresses His desire toward man in a covenant as a way […]
Christ nullified death and made it of none effect through His death on the cross

In Matthew 12:38-41 we have a very interesting story, where the scribes and the Pharisees come to the Lord Jesus seeking a sign, a miracle, and the Lord tells them that the only sign He can give them is the sign of Jonah. Today people are seeking for signs and miracles, and many religions boast […]