There is great joy and rejoicing in heaven when the material and religious Babylon is judged and fallen, and much Hallelujah is being released in the universe when God judges this evil consummation of all that Satan has done and is doing in the universe! Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! And once God judges the religious Babylon […]
Hallelujah, God will Judge and Destroy the Material and Religious Babylon! Amen!
Having the Proper Attitude as we See the Prophecies Being Fulfilled in the Last Days

All God’s people need to see and be clear of what the Bible says it will happen in the last days. We are living in the last days, at the end of this age, and we need the Lord to enlighten the eyes of our heart and to remove any veils that we may clearly […]
Being Clear about the Age We are in Today: Human Government is About to End!

We need to be clear what age we live in today. In the history class as we grew up we might have been taught about many empires and many peoples, but in God’s eyes there are only four empires that represent the entire human government throughout history. These four empires are the Babylonian empire, the […]
God uses “the locusts” to carry out His purpose and fulfill His interest!

Did you see the divine history within the human history? The truth is that the four kinds of locusts mentioned in Joel 1 and which are now operating in the world are way too obvious and outward and all over the place, and this may cause many saints and lovers of Christ to be wearied […]