The New Jerusalem is not merely something that God will obtain in eternity – His miraculous structure of treasure constituted of the processed and consummated Triune God united, mingled, and incorporated with the transformed and glorified humanity – but something that we can enjoy and experience today. The many characteristics and aspects of the New […]
Drinking the River of Water of Life Flowing out of the Throne in the New Jerusalem
Drinking and Flowing the Water of Life in Resurrection in our Daily Experience

God in Christ as the Spirit is the living water in resurrection for us to drink and flow (see John 7:37-39). Christ has been smitten by God on the cross and out of His side flowed living water for man to drink and enjoy. Christ as the living rock has been cleft through His crucifixion, […]
The River of Water of Life: God Reaching Man All Over the Earth to Be His Life!

The first two chapters of Genesis are written for us to know how to experience God as our life. After God created the heavens, the earth, the plants, the animals, and man, He put man in front of the tree of life – signifying that God wants to enter into man and be man’s life. […]
God desires that we would be recovered back to living under His direct rule in life
In us who are in the kingdom of God as a realm of life, the divine life should be able to move into our mind, our thinking, our imagination, our memory, our reasoning, our thoughts, our emotions (what is stored, buried, accumulated there? What anger, what feelings, what pains are suppressed there?). The river of water of life needs to go into every part so that it will bring life to our soul, until every part of our inner being would be alive with this river [continue reading online]
God is a flowing stream of water of life, and He rules in us by watering us and giving us to drink
God Himself is the fountain, the source, Christ the Son is the spring of this water, and the Spirit is the living stream – flowing all the time! Praise the Lord, the divine stream has reached us! When we believed into the Lord, the flowing Triune God entered into us and now He flows as the Spirit within our spirit, even in our whole being. God does everything by the means of this flow – in the divine stream there’s the tree of life (the life-suppy and nourishment), and as we drink of the river of life, we are brought under God’s dominion and rule! Praise the Lord – we are in the divine stream!
the New Jerusalem is the Reflection and Consummation of the type in the Garden of Eden
The consummation of God’s salvation and the conclusion of the entire revelation in the Scriptures is the New Jerusalem! This week we are enjoying two particular aspects of the New Jerusalem – the Reflection & Fulfillment of the Divine Revelation concerning the Garden of Eden AND the Unique Goal of the Christian Work. The New […]