As believers in Christ we are His witnesses on earth, and just like the early disciples, we are witnesses of the resurrected Christ. What does it mean to be a witness? According to the New Testament, the meaning of a witness is primarily to bear a living testimony of Jesus Christ in His crucifixion, resurrection, […]
We are Witnesses of the Resurrected Christ as we Experience Him and Live in Spirit
The Ingredients of the Incense typify Christ with His Death and Resurrection

As those who love God, seek Him, and desire to experience Him, we need to know what makes Him happy and how can we contribute to the fulfilment of His purpose. What is it that satisfies God’s heart and what contributes to the fulfillment of His purpose? It is Christ, but in a more specific […]
The Truth concerning Christ’s Resurrection and its Importance to our Christian Faith

These past two weeks we have reviewed and enjoyed the matter of Christ’s resurrection, not merely in its aspect of Christ being raised from the dead (which is something amazing in itself) but in the aspects of the divine incorporation of the processed Triune God and the regenerated believers in Christ (see John 14-17), and in the […]
The Triune God and the Believers Became an Incorporation in Christ’s Resurrection

To try to understand God with our human mind is futile, but to exercise our spirit and pray over God’s word brings us into a deeper inward understanding of God and even in a union with Him. Man is a mystery, and God is, even more, a mystery. God’s incarnation is a mystery, Christ’s human […]
the compound Spirit includes the precious resurrection of Christ(calamus) and its repelling power(cassia)
Hallelujah for such a wonderful all-inclusive life-giving compound Spirit! In this Spirit – who “was not yet” at the time of the Lord Jesus was on the earth but who after His resurrection has been compounded and consummated – we have God, we have man, and we have the death and resurrection of Christ! Yesterday […]