Dear saints, let’s pray that the saints would to do everything in the table meeting—whether the singing and speaking of the hymns, prayer and praise, Bible reading, or words of inspiration—by taking the Lord as the center and would overflow with their personal experiences of Christ (Luke 22:19-20; John 20:14-18; Hymns, #863, ss. 1-3, 5). […]
Let’s pray for the saints to do everything in the table meeting by taking the Lord as the center and by overflowing with their personal experiences of Christ
Enjoy the Resurrected Christ (barley) and Feed others with the Christ we Experience

Hallelujah for the all-inclusive Christ as our allotted portion of the good land! This good land is a land of wheat and of barley – here we enjoy and experience the crucified and resurrected Christ freely and at any time! The good land in Deut. 8:7-10 is the most neglected yet the most all-inclusive type […]
We Experience Christ in His Resurrection as our Authority in the God-given Ministry

In Num. 17 we see God’s vindication of His appointed authority, which is the budding rod of Aaron; this shows that we need to experience Christ in His resurrection in the God-given ministry. In Num. 16 we see the general rebellion of the leaders and the people of Israel against Moses and Aaron, and we […]
Serving God in the Principle of the Budding Rod, through Death and Resurrection

This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers we want to see and experience the major types concerning Christ in Numbers, and today in particular we want to see how Aaron’s budding rod typifies the resurrected Christ blossoming and bearing fruit to maturity. Strictly speaking, in the book of Numbers there’s only […]
In Christ as the Sure Mercies of God we have Forgiveness of Sins and Justification

Through this One, Christ as the holy and faithful things as the sure mercies from God, forgiveness of sins is announced to us, and in this One everyone who believes is justified (see Acts 13:38-39). Jesus Christ is the Son of God who became man through incarnation, and then He went through human living, death, […]
Enjoying the Resurrected Christ as the Holy and Faithful Things, God’s Mercies to us

The resurrected Christ is the holy and faithful things of David given to us as a gift for us to enjoy, experience, and participate in, and for us also to preach and give to others as the gospel. In Acts 13 Paul preaches the gospel of the firstborn Son of God, the only begotten Son […]
Christ became the Firstborn Son of God for the Propagation of the Divine Life

In resurrection Christ became the firstborn Son of God and the divine life was dispensed into all His believers to bring forth the propagation of the divine life that is embodied in Him. God made a promise to the fathers that He will bring forth a seed out of David that will be the Son […]