The history of the Ark and the tabernacle in 1 and 2 Samuel is a prefigure of the church history, giving us a full portrait of the course and situation of the church from the very beginning to the present time; today the Lord is enlarging the church life and making it more solid. […]
Seeing a Prefigure of the Church History in the History of the Ark and the Tabernacle
The need for the full Recovery of the Church Life with Christ as the Center and Content

God’s desire is for Christ to be the center and content of the church so that Christ would be expressed fully in the church; the history of the Ark and the tabernacle in 1 and 2 Samuel is a type of the church history until the recovery of the church life, where God can […]
Being Properly Aggressive to Build up the Church as the House of God and City of God

A person who had dispensational value to God was Nehemiah, who was a true overcomer; he was a properly aggressive person before God for His people, and His proper aggressiveness was for the building of the city of God so that He may have a kingdom on earth. When Israel was taken into captivity for […]
The Recovery of Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Church as the House and City of God

The recovery of the church includes the Lord’s recovery of the experience and enjoyment of the different aspects of Christ and the recovery of the church as the house of God and the kingdom of God. The return of the children of Israel from their captivity shows us in type that God desires to recover […]
The Recovery of the Church: the Unique Ground of Oneness and Enjoying Christ Riches

The return of the children of Israel from their captivity typifies the recovery of the church, and the aspects of the recovery of the children of Israel to their land, the rebuilding of the temple, the rebuilding of the city, and the establishing of the nation and kingdom of God – they all typify the […]
The Church will Match Christ as Bone of His Bones for their Eternal Married Life

Only those who are regenerated by Christ and who live by Christ as the church can match Christ and complement Him; when Christ sees this, He will surely say that this time this is bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh. Adam and Eve are a rich type of Christ and the church; […]
The Church is Built with Resurrection Life and Washed by the Word to be the Bride

As seen in the type of Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 and shown throughout the New Testament, the church comes out of Christ, is built in His resurrection life, and is composed of all the believers in Christ who are being transformed to be the counterpart of Christ, the reproduction of Christ. We may […]