What will bring the Lord back is a group of overcomers who live in the reality of the Body of Christ – they live a reproduction and a duplication of the life that the Lord Jesus lived when He was on earth. But where is such a living today on the earth? We can safely […]
reaching the high peak of living in the reality of the Body of Christ by praying
being the overcomers in the church for God to obtain Zion, His heart’s desire!

The Lord’s desire today is to obtain the Zion in Jerusalem, the overcomers in the churches, those who are ripened earlier for His satisfaction, those who will bring Him back. The Lord said He will return soon, but it has been over 2000 years since He ascended to the Father – why has He not […]
Lord, cause the desire of Your heart to become the desire of my heart! Make me an overcomer!
We are not yet overcomers – Paul could say only at the end of his life that he is ready to receive the crown – but we can receive from the Lord an aspiration to be an overcomer, and we can pray for the Lord to produce us as overcomers! The overcomers are for the building up of the Body of Christ! They don’t overcome only in their personal life matters such as their temper, the besetting sin, etc – they meet the Lord’s need to be the ones who are willing to be produced by the Lord as the sevenfold intensified Spirit, who give themselves for the building up of the Body of Christ as the reality in the churches! [sharing inspired from message 9 give by brother Ron Kangas in the Crystallization-Study of Psalms(2)]
The Will of God – One Person (the all-inclusive, extensive Christ), One Way (the cross), and One Goal (the Body of Christ)

This weekend I was so impressed with the will of God, as expounded in the conference I recently attended. Here is some enjoyment from this conference. The will of God is God’s will – it is about God, His heart’s desire from eternity – to have Christ expressed through many people as His Body. God’s […]
Seeing Ourselves as Members of the Body
Paul says in Romans 12:5 that we are “members one of another” in the Body. We are certainly familiar with this phrase, and with the principle that Paul sets also forth in his letter of love to the church in Corinth. However the situation was in Corinth, with many distractions, difficulties and even damaging aspects […]