The reality of the Body of Christ is a corporate living of being conformed to the death of Christ; our Christian life is a life of pursuing to die with Christ through the experience of the cross so that Christ may live in us. What is the reality of the Body of Christ? There are […]
Living a Life of being Conformed to the Death of Christ for the Reality of the Body
Reality of the Body is the Corporate Living of the Perfected God-men by the Divine Life

What is the reality of the Body of Christ? It is the corporate living of the perfected God-men who are united, joined, and constituted together with God by the mingling of humanity with divinity, and who live not by their life but by the divine life. We believers in Christ are very special persons; we […]
The Reality of the Body is Living a God-man Life by a Group of Believers with Christ

The reality of the Body of Christ is the union and mingling of God and man to live out a corporate God-man; it is living a God-man life by a group of God-redeemed people together with the God-man Christ. The only life that satisfies God and is a delight to Him is the life that […]
The Reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of Reality and the Reality in Jesus

The reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of reality and the reality in Jesus. These days in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Living in the Reality of the Body of Christ by Keeping the Principles of the Body, and this week in particular we focus on the matter […]
Four Principles to Live out and Work out the New Jerusalem as the Reality of the Body

In order for us to live out and work out the New Jerusalem to build up Zion as the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to keep certain principles and have particular experiences as seen and typified in the New Jerusalem. Whatever is ascribed to the New Jerusalem should be both our personal […]
The Earlier Overcomers have Highways to Zion in their Heart and Bring the Lord Back

The New Jerusalem is the totality of the overcomers, and today we want to be the earlier overcomers, those who have highways to Zion in our heart, love the Lord more than our self, and live out the reality of the Body of Christ. These past few weeks we have been enjoying the matter of […]
The Lord’s Recovery is to Build up Zion as the Reality of the Body of Christ Today

The Lord’s recovery is to build up Zion as the reality of the Body of Christ by living out and working out the New Jerusalem. Wow! This last week on the matter of, The Reality of the Body of Christ, we want to see how we can be those, Living Out and Working Out the […]