We need to pray and endeavour to reach the high peak of the reality of the Body of Christ in this age to be the Lord’s overcomers and close this age to bring the Lord back. The corporate living of the perfected God-men as the reality of the Body of Christ will close this […]
Endeavor to Reach the High Peak of the Reality of the Body of Christ to Close this Age
The Purpose of the Blending is to Usher us into the Reality of the Body of Christ

The purpose of the blending is to usher us all into the reality of the Body of Christ; the local churches are a procedure for God to obtain His goal, the reality of the Body, for He wants to gain a substantial expression of the reality of the Body in the local churches so that […]
Being in the Blending Life of the Body for the Reality of the Body, the Building of the Body

We need to follow in the Apostle Paul’s footsteps to bring all the saints into the blending life of the entire Body of Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ so that the God of peace would crush Satan under our feet shortly. Amen! The matter of blending is mysterious, deep, and intrinsic, […]
Living in the Body one with the Head to Exercise Christ’s Authority to Bind and Loose

The prayer of the age is not the prayer of individual believers (no matter how spiritual they are) but it is the prayer of the church as the Body of Christ, a prayer in which we bind and loose on earth what has been bound and loosed in the heavens. We need to live, act, […]
We Practice the Body Life by remaining in the Organic Union with the Lord in Spirit

God’s great will is to have the believers in Christ practice the Body life, that is, to have the living of the Body of Christ by the believers in the organic union with the Lord. God’s great will has three main aspects: first, it is to have a Body for Christ to be expanded, enlarged, […]
Denying the Self by the Cross to Depend on the Lord and on the Body of Christ

The greatest enemy of the Body is the self, the soul declaring independence from God and from the Body; when we see a vision of the self and depend on the Lord and on the members of the Body, we have the Lord’s presence, are full of peace, and touch the reality of the Body. […]
Our Ultimate Responsibility is to Bear the Testimony of Jesus for His Expression

In the church life today we need to bear the ultimate responsibility related to God’s ultimate move on earth to first be saturated and permeated with Christ for the church as the Body of Christ, and second to bear the testimony of Jesus. God’s move today is toward Europe, and He wants to gain many […]