When we live according to the spirit of our mind, our living corresponds to the reality in Jesus. We need to learn Christ and be taught in Him to live a life of reality; for us to learn Christ is simply to be molded into the pattern of Christ, that is, that we be conformed […]
Our Living According to the Spirit of our Mind Corresponds to the Reality in Jesus
Our Standard of Living must be According to the Reality in Jesus as we Learn Christ

Our standard of living as believers in Christ must not be according to our culture but according to the reality in Jesus, the reality lived out by the Lord Jesus when He was on earth, for the living of the new man should be the way that the Lord lived on earth. This week in […]
The Church is a Pure Product out of Christ: Nothing Natural can be Added to it!

The church as the Body of Christ is a pure product out of Christ, and only what comes out of Christ with His resurrection life can be His complement and counterpart, the Body of Christ. This week we come to the last part of our deeper study of the matter of Living in the Reality […]
The Reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of Reality and the Reality in Jesus

The reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of reality and the reality in Jesus. These days in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Living in the Reality of the Body of Christ by Keeping the Principles of the Body, and this week in particular we focus on the matter […]
The Divine Dispensing is the Base for our Living a Holy Life for the Church Life

As believers in Christ we are the holy people of a holy God, and we need to enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity as the base for living a holy life for the church life. Leviticus 18-20 speaks of the holy living of God’s holy people and corresponds to Eph. 4:17 – 5:14, […]
Experiencing the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity to Practice the Church Life

After seeing a laser light exposure of the matter of the subduing of the soul for the release of the spirit so that we may have a proper church life, we now come to more practical matters related to our practicing of the church life. The church life is not for us to practice in […]
Learning Christ as the Reality is in Jesus to Live the Same Kind of Life Jesus Lived

For us as believers in Christ to arrive at a full-grown man we need to learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus. The one new man as the full-grown man that accomplishes God’s purpose is a corporate man that lives on earth the same kind of living that the Lord Jesus lived when He […]