The New Testament reveals many aspects of God’s calling. In the Gospels, the Epistles, and in the book of Revelation we can see a clear picture of God calling us. First, God called us according to His predestination, His foreknowledge and choosing in eternity past. God called us according to His purpose and His grace. […]
God Called us in the Fellowship of Christ, into His Sufferings, and unto His Glory
God’s Calling is According to His Purpose in Christ through the Gospel to be Holy

The Old Testament is a book of pictures, types, figures, and signs; the New Testament is a book of the spiritual reality of the signs and types in the Old Testament. If we have a bird’s-eye view of the whole Bible we will realize that many truths and principles are sown as seeds in Genesis, […]
Journeying Onward to Enter into the Good Land and have a Corporate God-man Living

The history of the people of Israel in Exodus is a type and figure of our spiritual history with the Lord, and Moses being called by God is a pattern for our being called by God. The purpose of God’s calling of Moses was to deliver God’s people out of Egypt and bring them into […]
The Purpose of God’s Calling to Bring out Satan’s hand into the All-Inclusive Christ

Do you know what is the purpose of God’s calling? Did God call you? Did God appear to you and call You for His purpose? In Exodus 3 we see how God came and called Moses, and the purpose of His calling was, on the negative side, to deliver God’s people from the usurpation and […]
God wants to Deliver us from the World (a place of bondage) that we may Serve Him

Genesis records the history of many individual people who were called by God, but Exodus is a book on the corporate history of God’s people. When it speaks of God’s salvation, provision, revelation, and building, Exodus tells us of God’s saving His people, supplying His people with living water and heavenly manna, giving a revelation […]
Knowing the Purpose of God’s Calling and Dealing with Satan, the Flesh, and the World

Just as Moses was called by God from the burning thornbush so we as believers in Christ are those called by God in the same principle. As persons called by God we must first see the vision of the thornbush, realizing that we are nothing but sinners saved by grace, those having God as the […]
Struggling with God and Being Transformed by God into Israel, a Prince of God

God selected Jacob and chose him to be His expression as a prince of God, and Jacob went through a long process of transformation and maturity to become one who not only wrestles with God but also is a prince of God, expressing God and representing Him on earth. It is amazing to see in […]