To shepherd according to God (1 Pet. 5:2) requires that we become one with God, we are constituted with God, we live God, we represent God, and we minister God. We can shepherd according to God only by becoming the same as He is in life, nature, expression, and function. First, we need to be […]
To Shepherd according to God is to Minister the Processed God Constituted into us
Being Genuine Priests to God by Serving God and Ministering God into God’s People
![The bread and the wine [ministered by Melchizedek to Abraham] signify God as our enjoyment, God being ministered to us to refresh, sustain, support, strengthen, and nourish us that we may grow with all the riches of God. This is the primary task of a priest. In principle, we who serve God today are His priests. As priests, our main responsibility is to minister Him to people. (W. Lee, Life-Study of Hebrews)](
These days we have been enjoying the matter of being recovered by the Lord to be priests to God who live and function in a normal way for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ. Many believers love the Lord, read His word, and regularly attend the meetings of the church, but […]
The Israel of God is the Church in the Triune God, the Church in the Processed God

The issue of knowing and experiencing God as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob is the Israel of God, the church in the Triune God (1 Thes. 1:1; Matt. 28:19). The issue of our experience of God as our source and Father (the God of Abraham), as the […]
The Spirit of Jesus Christ who “was not yet” in John 7:39 is Our Bountiful Supply Today!

We praise the Lord for the truth in the Bible and for the recovery of the proper interpretation of the truth concerning the Spirit as the consummation of the Triune God. God became a man, lived a perfect human life on earth, died on the cross, and entered into resurrection to become “the Spirit” which […]
The Triune God Went Through a Process Economically and Became “the Spirit” (John 7:39)

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8), and with Him there is no change (Mal. 3:6; Num. 23:19). However, in the Gospel of John 1:14, we see that the Word – who was with God and who was God – became flesh. In His essence, God cannot change and will not […]
the processed Triune God has come into us and dwells in us as the Spirit in our spirit
The Triune God is a mystery – we cannot understand with our limited human mind and understanding HOW CAN IT BE that God is One yet Three. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are One, co-existing (existing at the same time) and co-inhering (existing in one another). This is a mystery… But what we know from the Bible, especially from Romans 8, is that the Spirit who indwells us brings the entire Triune God into us! What we have in us is a mystery – the Spirit dwells in us, Christ the Son is in us, and God the Father is in us – the entire Triune God is in us, being made real to us and applied to us by and as the Spirit! [read more online about the wonderful indwelling Spirit]
Paul’s gospel is the complete gospel, including all the aspects of the four gospels
Praise the Lord, the gospel is not about an outward historical Christ but it concerns the Triune God being processed and consummated through Christ’s incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, to become the life-giving, all-inclusive, compounded, indwelling Spirit who mingles Himself with our spirit to accomplish in us God’s purpose in creating man. This is what Paul’s gospel reveals, and his Epistles form the heart of the divine revelation in the New Testament, the center of the New Testament. [continue reading this portion of enjoyment online + add your comment to it]