As the people of God, we must bear a sign that we are God’s by resting with God, enjoying God, and being filled with God first, and then we can work with the One who fills us; we must first enjoy God and be filled with Him before we can work with Him and for […]
We first Enjoy God and are filled with Him and then Work with Him in Oneness with Him
We first Rest and are Satisfied with God to enjoy Sabbath Rest and then we Work for God

Hallelujah, Christ is our Sabbath rest, and before we could do anything for God and with God, we need to enjoy Christ, be satisfied with Him, and enjoy rest and satisfaction with Him! In Exo. 31:12-17 we see that, after a long record concerning the building up of God’s dwelling place, there is a repetition […]
We keep the Sabbath when we Rest and Enjoy God in a Solemn Way for His Satisfaction

The principle of the Sabbath is that God first wants us to rest and enjoy God, and then we can work together with Him. This principle applies both in creation and in redemption. When God created us, we didn’t have to work first but rest and enjoy God, and then we could work with Him. […]
The Principle of the Sabbath is that we First Enjoy God and Rest in Him, then we Work

After seeing who are the workers of the tabernacle and what are their qualifications, today we want to see how God rested and was refreshed on the Sabbath, and therefore He charged that His people would keep His Sabbaths (Exo. 31:13-16); today we want to see what it means to keep the principle of the […]
Coming to Christ to Find Rest for Our Soul and Taking His Yoke Upon Us

The Lord’s call in Matt. 11:28-30 resounds throughout the ages, Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy […]
Coming to Christ with Our Burdens and Learning from This Meek and Lowly One

This week we have been enjoying the Lord’s speaking concerning keeping the principle of the Sabbath, which doesn’t mean that you don’t work for God but rather you first enjoy God, are filled with God, and are one with God, and then you work together with God. How can we bear this sign of the […]
Working Together with God by First Enjoying Him and Entering Into His Rest

After God created man, He said, Very Good! and He rested. Man’s first day on earth was not spent in working for God or doing anything to please God but man spent the day with God in His rest. Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath! In Exo. 31:17 it says […]