The central and crucial point of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, the recovery books, is the proper and adequate leadership as seen with Nehemiah; in serving the Lord we need to be found faithful and we need to be willing to be matched with others to be the proper representation of the Body […]
Being Faithful to God and being Matched with Others in our Service to God in the Body
We need to Live the Body Life and Keep every Principle of the Body in the Church Life

If we cannot pass the test of the Body life, our spirituality is not genuine, for the Body life is the greatest test of our spirituality, and we as members of the Body need to live in the Body and keep every principle of the Body. As those living in the church age, we need […]
Being Completed by being Matched with other Saints for God’s Building and His Move

It is very enlightening to look at the pattern of the tabernacle in Exodus and apply it to our Christian experience today; two of the principles we see with the boards of the tabernacle is that we as members of the Body need to be completed for the building up of the church (just as […]
Being Willing to be Matched in the Body and Cut in our Natural Life to be Useful to God

This week we have been looking at how God called Moses; the record of God’s calling of Moses is longer than of His calling of any other person in the Bible, and Moses was the first complete perfected servant of God in the Bible; as such he is the standard model of God’s servant. The way […]
The Testimony of Jesus is the Bride of Christ, the Weaker Ones who Depend on the Lord

The church as the testimony of Jesus has many aspects and is composed of many kinds of people. In the book of Revelation we see at least eight aspects of the testimony of Jesus. As the golden lampstands, the church as the testimony of Jesus is divine in nature, shines in darkness, and is identical […]