Today God is manifested in the church, for the manifestation of God is the proper living of the church; when we exercise our spirit, we are one spirit with the Lord, and godliness is our living, for God is expressed in us and through us. The Lord Jesus was the individual manifestation of God […]
We Exercise our Spirit to live out Godliness for God’s Manifestation in the Flesh
A Vision of the New Jerusalem: the Consummation of God becoming Man to make man God

As believers in Christ, we need to have a vision of the New Jerusalem for our Christian life and church life; we need to realization that the New Jerusalem is the consummation of the central vision of God’s economy and the high peak of the divine revelation. Amen! This week we come to the […]
God Motivates us to Echo His Heart’s Desire in Prayer to Cooperate with Him for His Purpose

Hallelujah, God motivates us to echo His heart’s desire in prayer so that we may cooperate with Him for the fulfillment of His purpose, in the principle of incarnation! The God who motivated Hannah to pray the prayer that cooperated with God and issued in the bringing forth of Samuel now also works in […]
The Church as the Body of Christ is the Corporate Manifestation of God in the Flesh

Not only Christ Himself as the Head but also the Church as the Body of Christ is the manifestation of God in the flesh; God is manifested in the flesh not only through Christ but also through the church, which is the continuation and duplication of Christ. If we look at the life of the […]
As we Function Organically in the Church Life, the Triune God moves together with us

As we function organically in the church life, the Triune God moves together with us to speak in us and through us for the building up of the church. The organic function of the organic Body of Christ is in the local expressions of the Body and by the move of the Triune God in […]
Seeing that God’s Move on Earth in Man is always in the Principle of Incarnation

In the New Testament, God’s move on earth in man is always in the principle of incarnation, for the Triune God wants to be the reality of man, to be enjoyed by man, to transform man, and build man into God and God into man to obtain the New Jerusalem. Before God could move in […]
Being One Spirit with the Lord in our Living and Speaking so that He may Speak in us

Today God speaks not only in and through His word, but He speaks in the principle of incarnation, that is, He speaks through His people as they live one spirit with the Lord. Paul was such a one; he was one with the Lord, so when he spoke, the Lord spoke with him and through […]