Hallelujah, the Father blesses us and keeps us, Christ the Son shines on us and is gracious to us, and the Spirit lifts up His countenance upon us and gives us peace! In Num. 6:22-27 we see the eternal blessing of the Triune God, with the Father keeping us in His name, in the […]
The Father Blesses us and Keeps us, and Christ Shines on us and is Gracious to us
Enjoying God as the All-Sufficient Mighty One and Walking Before Him to be Perfect

We need to be those who enjoy God as the all-sufficient Mighty One, El-Shaddai, and walk before Him so that we may be perfect before Him! In order for us to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect, we need to have God as the element of perfection added to us and wrought […]
The Practical Emmanuel is the Spirit of Reality as the Presence of God in our Spirit

Jesus is our Emmanuel, God with us; the practical Emmanuel is the Spirit of reality as God’s presence in our spirit, and we can enjoy God’s presence and live with Christ as Emmanuel, for Emmanuel is our life and person, and we are His organ for His expression. Hallelujah! It is amazing to realize […]
Being Ruled by the Firsthand Presence of the Lord to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ

In our Christian life and church life, the presence of the Lord, His smile, is the governing principle; we need to learn to be kept, ruled, governed and guided not by His secondhand presence but by the direct presence of God, the firsthand presence of the Lord, which is our power and strength to enter […]
Blessing is to bring people into the Presence of God and to bring God into others

According to Num. 6:23-26 and 2 Cor. 13:14, blessing is nothing else but the enjoyment of the Triune God, for to bless is to bring God into man and to bring man into the presence of God for man to enjoy all that the Triune God has and is. In Numbers 6 we see the […]
Praise the Lord, we are Becoming the Reality of “God is There”, the New Jerusalem!

The very last verse of Ezekiel says that the name of the city from that day shall be, Jehovah is there; when God gains the holy temple and the holy city in the holy land, the name of that city is, God is there – God’s presence is with man, and man is in God’s […]
Not Usurping God but Praying and Being According to God’s Heart and for His Economy

The Lord within us all is aspiring to take us on from the tabernacle church life in the wilderness of the soul to the temple church life with Christ as the reality of the good land in our spirit! There’s a hunger and a thirst in us from something higher in the church life that […]