According to Rev. 19:11-21, Christ will come as the fighting General with His bride (who is composed of the overcoming believers, who are His army) to fight against Antichrist, the kings under him, and their armies at Armageddon. In this age the Lord is working to build up the Body of Christ so that His […]
Christ will come as the General with His Bride to Fight against Antichrist at Armageddon
The Beauty of the Bride is the Shining out of the Christ wrought into us Daily
What the Lord is after today is obtaining a beautiful bride, without spots or wrinkles or any such thing, which can be presented to Himself as the Bridegroom; the beauty of the bride is the expression of Christ in us, the shining our of Christ from within us. Our natural man and living in the natural […]
Being Built up with Fellow Believers is the Lord’s Supreme Requirement of His Seekers
Being built up with fellow believers is the Lord’s supreme and highest requirement of His faithful seekers according to His top divine attribute – the divine oneness (see John 17). The bride of Christ is not an individual spiritual Christian but a corporate entity, a building up of the believers who pursue Christ, enjoy Him, […]
Pursuing Growth and Maturity in Life, and Having God Built into us and us into God
As those who love the Lord and desire to be part of His overcoming bride, we need to pursue the growth and maturity in life, we need to know the Body, and we need to be built together with the saints in the Triune God as the Body of Christ. The bride of Christ is […]
The Readiness of the Bride Depends on the Maturity in Life of the Overcomers
The direction of the Lord’s move today is to prepare the bride of Christ, and the readiness of the bride depends on the maturity in life of the overcomers. From the beginning to the end of the Bible we can see that God desires to gain a bride – He wants to gain a counterpart […]
The Direction of the Lord’s Move is to Prepare the Bride for Christ, the Bridegroom
The direction of the Lord’s move today is to build up the Body of Christ, to prepare the bride as the counterpart for Christ the bridegroom, and to bring in the kingdom of God. This week we are starting a two-week deeper study on the matter of the preparation of the bride as the counterpart […]
The Direction of the Lord’s Move today is Building up the Body for His Expression
Today we start a new topic in our holy word for morning revival, which is, The Direction of the Lord’s move today, and in particular this week we focus on, The Intrinsic Building Up of the Organic Body of Christ (1) – Governed by a Vision of the Universal Body of Christ as the Goal […]