May the Lord make us the Samuels of today, those who consecrate themselves to God for His purpose as His Nazarites of today, speak the word of God, function as priests, rule and reign for God, and are men of prayer who are praying for God’s people. Amen! The Lord is looking for those […]
Speaking for God, Being under His Authority, and Praying for God’s People one with God
Being fully for God’s Economy as the Nazarites of today, to be the Acting God on Earth

The Lord wants to gain some like Samuel today, those who are fully one with God to be the acting God on earth to represent God, those who have a clear view of God’s economy and have the desire of God’s heart infused into them to become the desire of their heart. Amen! Though […]
How we can Cooperate with the Divine Trinity to Bring in the Kingdom of God on Earth

1 and 2 Samuel are crucial for the bringing in of the kingdom; there was a desperate need for one like Samue who was one with God, according to God’s heart, and who cared for God’s people to the extent that he didn’t want his own kingdom or monarchy but rather wanted to bring […]
A Nazarite is a Man According to God’s Heart and one who Flees Lusts to Pursue Christ

Samuel was a Nazarite, a man according to God’s heart, for God’s heart was duplicated in him; Samson, on the other hand, was a negative example of what being a Nazarite is. God’s desire is that all His people would be Nazarites, those who see His heart’s desire and are joined to Him in His […]
Being the Faithful Nazarites who Minister as Priests, Prophets, and Men of Prayer

In the Scriptures there is a contrast between two Nazarites: Samuel and Samson, where Samuel is a positive pattern of a faithful Nazarite, being one who ministered to God and His people as a Nazarite, a prophet, a priest, a judge, and a man of prayer. His mother Hannah lived in the time of Eli […]
The Pattern of Samuel, a Man according to God’s Heart caring for God and His Interest

Our work, our behaviour, and our person as God’s people must match the church as the house of God, according to His design and pattern (see Ezek. 43:10-12). God is measuring us not merely by our works or words but according to His house, according to the pattern that He presented in the Bible of […]