Even during the period of the decline of the church, when there’s a downward trend and most of God’s people are carried away, we need to be among the remnant of God’s people who receive mercy from the Lord to remain faithful to Him, and we need to be patterns of people who live in […]
Receive the Lord’s mercy to be a Pattern to the Believers by Living in the Spirit
Shepherd others by Giving them a Proper Pattern: Feed them with our Living of Christ

The best way for us to shepherd people, to cherish and nourish them, is to give them a proper pattern or to point them to a proper pattern in the Bible; we need to feed the ones we are caring for with our own living of Christ, setting a pattern before them to foster […]
Follow the Pattern of Paul in Philippians to Take Christ as Everything in our Experience

We need to follow the pattern of Paul as seen in Philippians to take Christ as our everything in our daily experience. Paul did not just write to the Philippians to encourage them to go on with the Lord; he testified again and again how he took Christ as his everything in his experience. […]
Learning from Paul to Shepherd the Saints in Love in the Church as the Flock of God

We need to learn from Paul to shepherd the saints in love in the church as the flock of God. We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the apostle Paul, who shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father, taking love as the most excellent way to care […]
One with God to be Jesus Living Again on Earth today for His Corporate Expression

Paul, a man of God, was the acting God in comforting the believers, in conducting himself in the simplicity of God, in expressing the jealousy of God, and in being an ambassador of Christ to carry out the ministry of reconciliation; we can also function as the acting God today. The Lord is looking […]
Let us pray for the saints to travail in birth over their spiritual children until Christ is formed in them

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would follow the pattern of the apostle in learning to travail in birth over their spiritual children until Christ is formed in them (Gal. 4:19). Paul told the Galatian believers that he was again travailing on their behalf. Travail refers to painful labor in childbirth. In this […]
Let us pray for the saints to foster the new believers as a nursing mother and as an exhorting father

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would follow the apostle’s pattern to foster the new believers as a nursing mother cherishes her own children and as a father exhorts, consoles, and testifies to his own children (1 Thes. 2:6-8, 11). In verse 8 Paul continues, “Thus, yearning over you, we were well pleased […]