In our Christian life, there are at least three stages of eating, corresponding to the picture seek with the people of Israel’s eating: eating Christ as our Passover, eating Christ as our heavenly food to be reconstituted with Him, and eating Him as the rich produce of the good land to become His overcomers. These […]
Eating Christ as our Passover and as our Heavenly Food to be Constituted with Christ
Exercising our Little Faith to Apply the Blood and Remaining in Christ as the House

Praise the Lord Jesus for coming as the Lamb of God to die for our redemption and give Himself to us for our life supply! The Passover was to be a memorial for God’s people that they may remember and never forget; daily in our Christian life we need to enjoy Christ as our passover […]
Eating Christ as the Lamb of God who was Roasted by the Fire of God’s Judgement

Christ is our Passover: He is the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world and becoming our life supply for us to fulfill God’s purpose. The Passover is a type of Christ; Christ is not only the Passover lamb but also every aspect of the Passover. Christ died on the cross as […]
Christ is the Passover Lamb: Spotless, Perfect, Fresh, and Willing to Die for Us

The Passover is a type of Christ; Christ is not only the Passover lamb but also every aspect of the passover. The Apostle Paul said, For our Passover, Christ, has been sacrificed (1 Cor. 5:7). Christ is the entire passover: He is the Lamb of God, the unleavened bread, the bitter herbs, and everything related […]
the messages from the Young People’s Conference in Poland 2011 are online at
This announcement/tip, though not very “important” outwardly or to some, it is so important to many of us who have been following the 2011 Poland Camp and the European Young People’s Conference in Poland series that it needs its own blog post. And that’s right, these messages are online now, ready to be downloaded and […]
seeing the world, the life in the world, and the way to escape: HALLELUJAH!!! (2011 Poland Camp)
In this year’s Young People’s Conference in Poland I appreciated the brothers pointing out the facts to us – as seen in Exodus. These facts are concerning Egypt (the world system that Satan created), concerning what life in Egypt is like, and how to escape the tyranny and slavery of Egypt. I was impressed that […]
Lord, make me one who loves Your appearing! Come Lord Jesus! (sharing from the 2011 Poland camp)
The Poland Conference was awesome! The brothers that shared the messages were really frank and direct – they didn’t sugar coat anything. There were a few points that I really enjoyed at this conference (the topic was, “The Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy in Exodus“). 1 ) The special fellowship time was so good! We talked […]