The church as the increase of Christ is a matter of life, and everything in the church must be in the nature of life, with the content of life, and in the imparting of life. The church is not a building; the church is the increase of Christ, the multiplication and reproduction of Christ in […]
Everything in the Church Life must be in the Nature of Life for the Imparting of Life
To Minister Life is to have the Outflow of Life through the Exercise of our Spirit

As those who serve the Lord in spirit and in the church, we need to be deeply impressed with the necessity of being able to minister life (see 1 John 5:11-16), that is, to have an outflow of life. What we need in the church life is not more great gifts, talented people, or greater […]
Experience the Resurrected Christ and Speak Beautiful Words until We Possess the Earth

I never thought that this one chapter in the Bible – Genesis 49 – is full of such a rich blessing and is so meaningful to our Christian life and church life, when viewed from the perspective of God’s eternal economy. In this chapter we see Jacob who, at the end of his life, prophesies […]
We are Channels of Life and Priests to God to Overflow God to Others as Blessing

The principle of blessing is that the greater blesses the lesser; the meaning of blessing is that blessing is the overflow of God through someone’s maturity in life. When God obtains a person who is mature in life, a person who is not only transformed but also mature, He has a way to flow through […]
The Strongest Sign of Maturity in Life is Blessing Others with the Christ We Enjoyed

At the end of his life, when he was 130 years old, Jacob went to Egypt together with all his family to be with Joseph; by this time he was a mature person, and he simply blessed everyone. The strongest sign of Jacob’s maturity in life was his blessing of others. When he met Pharaoh […]
Blessing is the Overflow of the Divine Life that Inwardly Changes us and Fills us

The issue of Jacob’s transformation and maturity was blessing – he blessed everyone! At the end of his life, when he went to Egypt, all Jacob did was to bless: he blessed Pharaoh, he blessed his sons, and he blessed Joseph’s sons. The issue of maturity in life and of the reigning aspect of a […]
allowing God’s life to be lived out of us and having an overflow of life

As believers in Christ, we have the life of God in us, and this life wants to be expressed through us and be lived out of us. Hallelujah, we have God’s life in us (Col. 3:4; Rom. 8:10)! We need God to open our eyes, though, to see that our natural man, our very person, […]