What the Lord is looking for today is the overcomers who live in the reality of the Body of Christ, those who consummate the building up of the Body in the local churches to bring in the holy city, New Jerusalem, as God’s dwelling place for eternity. God chose the church, but the church as […]
Being the Overcomers who Live in the Reality of the Body and Stand in Christ’s Victory
Choosing to be Vitalized to be the Overcomers in the Church Life for God’s Purpose

The church life on the ground of oneness is today’s Jerusalem, and within the church life there must be a group of overcomers who are the reality of Zion; we need to be vitalized to be the overcomers in the church life today. In the Old Testament we see that the unique ground of Jerusalem […]
The Lord’s Recovery is to Build up Zion as the Reality of the Body of Christ Today

The Lord’s recovery is to build up Zion as the reality of the Body of Christ by living out and working out the New Jerusalem. Wow! This last week on the matter of, The Reality of the Body of Christ, we want to see how we can be those, Living Out and Working Out the […]
the situation of the overcomers in Zion, the place where God is fully at rest

Psalm 132 is the praise of David in his going up to Zion concerning Jehovah’s habitation and rest in Zion. God desires Zion and He finds rest here, and David also desires God’s dwelling place! The place of God’s rest is Zion, the overcomers. There must be brothers and sisters in whose being Christ Himself […]