Since our old man, who was the old husband, has been crucified with Christ, we are freed from his law and are joined to the new Husband, Christ; the old man is crucified with Christ, but in the new man we’re joined to Christ as our Husband. Hallelujah! The story of Ruth is quite significant […]
Our Old Man has been Crucified with Christ and we are Joined to Christ, our new Husband!
The Body of Christ is the Enlargement of Christ as the Mingling of God and Man

The Body of Christ is the mingling of God and man, and the way for us to live in the reality of the Body of Christ is to be in the organic union with Christ in our mingled spirit. The Lord Jesus told us that He is the vine and we are the branches, so […]
Remaining in the Organic Union with the Lord to be in the Actuality of the Body

The Body of Christ is an organic matter, and for us to be organic in the Body is to be organically united with Christ, and the actuality of the Body is the remaining in this organic union we have with Christ. Our relationship with Christ is not only of dependence on Him, love toward Him, […]
Giving Life to the Sinning Brother by Asking the Lord in the Fellowship of Life

The divine life we have received through regeneration is very real and practical. In the first Epistle of John we see that life was manifested and we have seen and testify and report concerning it (1 John 1:1-3). And this life is a fellowship, a flow, something moving and growing and expanding. If we sin, […]
abiding in the Lord by giving thanks in everything and praying unceasingly
What does it really mean to “unceasingly pray”? Does it mean that you have to stop any other outward activity and spend 24/7 in prayer on your knees before God? This natural thought seems rather impractical and intangible, impossible to attain by a human being. Prayer is an activity of our spirit – our mingled spirit prays all the time. To pray is to use our spirit to fellowship with God. Our spirit is always willing, ready to pray, but we need to turn to our spirit and use our spirit to pray! Let us not quench the Spirit in our spirit but allow our spirit to be active all the time by praying unceasingly! [read more online]
being identified with Christ to dwell in God and see the extension of our days
There are so many wonderful things that we enjoy when we are in this sweet identification with Christ! Psalm 91 speaks of Christ, the One who lived a life fully one with the Father and took God as His dwelling place. In identification with Christ, we also are under the keeping care of the angels, and we tread upon the enemy Satan (see Psa. 91:11-13 and Matt. 4:6). The way we defeat Satan, the serpent that poisons God’s people and the lion that devours God’s people is by being identified with Christ! In Christ we overcome the enemy and we tread upon his head. [read more online]
taking God as our dwelling place by abiding in Christ and being in Christ
To take God as our habitation, to take God as our dwelling place, is actually the highest and the fullest experience of God. Everything we are and do is in our dwelling place and for our dwelling place – it is here we live, we eat, we drink, we rest, we have our being, and it is this place that we beautify, we improve, and we love. It is the same with God – in God as our dwelling place we eat God, enjoy God, drink God, and we have our living with all the details of our daily experience IN GOD! We take God as our dwelling place in a practical way by being identified with Christ! [continue reading online]