The Lord Jesus is the Shepherd according to the heart of God, and He wants to reproduce Himself in all His believers so that there would be a mutual shepherding among the saints; the shepherding that builds up the Body of Christ is a shepherding in mutuality. What does it mean for us to shepherd […]
Our Shepherding in Mutuality according to God’s Heart builds up the Body of Christ
Let the Lord Shepherd You in the Father’s House, the Mutual Dwelling Place of God and Man!

The Father’s house is a mysterious yet wonderful matter unveiled by the Lord Jesus in John 14. We need to see what the Father’s house is. It is not merely the house where all God’s children dwell and are a part of. The Lord Jesus had to go to the Father and then come back […]
we can experience the Lord’s presence even as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Psalm 23 is one of the most well known and often quoted chapters in the entire Bible – but do we really see what is going on in Psalm 23? We may even know it by heart, but do we see God’s economy in this psalm? Do we see the organic shepherding of the Pneumatic […]
the five stages of the pneumatic Christ’s shepherding (sharing from the Crystallization Study of Psalms)
We recently went through the video training on the Crystallization Study of the Psalms, and one of the topics I enjoyed the most so far is message 6 – The Organic Shepherding of the Pneumatic Christ as revealed in Psalm 23. Perhaps Psalms 23 is one of the most popular chapters in the whole Bible. […]
we need to see and cooperate with the pneumatic Christ’s shepherding as revealed in Psalm 23
Praise the Lord for Psalm 23 with the proper interpretation and the high view of Christ in His ascension as the organic Shepherd! I really enjoyed in the recent Crystallization Study of the Psalms(1), in message 6 entitled, The Organic Shepherding of the Pneumatic Christ, the fact that the pneumatic Christ is the Shepherd, He […]