This thought of blending is very strong in the Bible, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. In the Old Testament we see that the meal offering had to be of fine flour mingled with oil (Lev. 2:4) – the flour had to be thoroughly blended with oil, mingled with oil – the […]
practical points concerning blending – are we in the reality of the Body of Christ?
Filed Under: Christ became the Spirit, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the church life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: am I in the reality of the Body?, blended together, fellowship is the blending, God put us in the local church, grounded together, He produced many grains, many grains, not just doctrine, practical points concerning blending, the doctrine of the Body of Christ, the local churches, the only grain, the reality and practicality, the reality of the Body of Christ, we are in the local churches, we are the Body of Christ
Christ is extending His days in His believers – enjoy His resurrection life today!

At the Lord’s table on the Lord’s day we sang one of my favourite Hymns which seems to get richer and richer – Hymn #203, which is a Praise of the Lord for His Increase (listen to it online, or read the lyrics online). 1. In the bosom of the Father, Ere the ages had begun, Thou […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, longings, the high peak Tagged With: Christ's resurrection, enjoy the resurrection life, for Christ's satisfaction, for God's good pleasure, life-giving Spirit, many grains, organic union, regenerated in His resurrection, the Body of Christ, The Firstborn Son of God, the high peak of the divine revelation, The Only Begotten Son, the only grain, We are His duplication, We are His reproduction