The way for us to fulfil God’s move in man’s history for the carrying out of God’s eternal economy is by exercising our spirit to experience and enjoy Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit. Amen! The book of Zechariah is truly amazing, for it presents both in pictures and in prophecies how God’s move […]
Exercising our Spirit to Experience and Enjoy Christ as the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit
Seeing the Subjective Truth concerning the Church unveiled in the Gospel of John

The Gospel of John reveals the subjective truth concerning the church, showing us the constituents of the church and the existence of the church in many pictures and types. Although the word church is not specifically used in the Gospel of John, the church is referred to in seven ways: the church is the many […]
The New Man created in our Spirit needs to be Renewed in our Mind unto Full Knowledge

The new man was created in our spirit and it is being renewed in our mind unto full knowledge according to the image of Christ; we need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind for the one new man today. Amen! For the new man we need to put away and repudiate the […]
The New Man is being Renewed unto Full Knowledge by our Seeking the Things Above

Hallelujah, the one new man is being renewed unto full knowledge according to the image of the One who created Him! When we set our mind on the things above, we are being renewed in the spirit of our mind – this is the renewing of the new man. God desires to gain the one […]
There should be No Differences among the Believers and the Churches in the One New Man

Praise the Lord, in the new man there are no cultural distinctions between members, there should be no differences among the believers or among the churches, for Christ is all and in all as the unique constituent of the one new man! Amen! One of the most hidden problems and hindrances to our enjoyment of […]
The Preeminent Christ is our Life and the Unique Constituent of the One New Man

In order for us to live the life of the new man, we need to have the all-inclusive, extensive Christ as our life and the unique constituent of the one new man, for in the new man there cannot be this or that but Christ – He is all and in all. The one new […]
The Christian Life is a Life of Living Christ all the Time, and not Living our Culture

Hallelujah, the Christian life is a life of living Christ – all the time – and not living our culture. By the Lord’s mercy, we can see that our culture is a substitute for Christ, for we live our culture instead of living Christ; however, we should not “drop our culture” but live Christ, and […]