If we see that the church is the mingling of God and man, we will also realize that the mingled spirit is the focus of God’s economy, for it is when we live in the mingled spirit and walk in the spirit that we fulfil His purpose. In order for us to live the church […]
Seeing a Vision of the Mingled Spirit, the Focus of God’s Economy, for the Church Life
The Church is the Mingling of God and Man, the Enlargement of Christ as the God-man

The church is the mingling of God and man; the church is nothing else but God mingled with man, and the nature of the church is the mingling of God with man. According to our natural and fallen concept, when we think of the church we merely consider that we are sinners saved by God, […]
We need to be Watchful and Faithful in Preserving the Nature of the Church

In the church life today we need to be watchful and faithful in preserving the nature of the church; according to the Lord Jesus, the church must be like a mustard seed, sojourning on earth and being for God’s satisfaction. The church as the Lord Jesus envisioned it is something quite different from what the […]
The Church is Heavenly: the Nature of the Church is to Submit to God’s Authority

The nature of the church is heavenly, and the main significance of this is that the church is under Christ’s authority, submitting to no other person but Christ and His authority alone. It is vitally necessary for us as believers in Christ to know the nature of the church. According to the New Testament, the […]
The Church is Christly (the Self is Denied) and Resurrectionly (we Overcome Death)

If we really see a vision of the nature of the church and realize that the church is divine, Christly, resurrectionly, and heavenly, then the natural, fleshly, and ambitious elements will be ruled out and terminated, and we will be empowered to face any kind of death. It is easy to look at the church […]
The Nature of the Church is Divine – the Church is Christly, Resurrectionly, and Heavenly

This week we want to see what is the nature of the church; in God’s eyes and according to the Bible, the church is divine, Christly (of Christ and in Christ), resurrectionly (of resurrection and in resurrection), and heavenly. The first thing we want to know about the church is the nature of the church, […]
living by the resurrection life to be in the reality of the Body of Christ

Paul’s aspiration and prayer in Phil. 3:10 was that he would know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. We need to ask ourselves, How much do we live, serve, and do things in the resurrection life? We may have a good coordination with […]